Author = Boroomand Nasab, Saeid
Evaluation of Interpolation Techniques for Estimating Groundwater Level and Groundwater Salinity in the Salman Farsi Sugarcane Plantation

Volume 44, Issue 2, September 2021, Pages 67-78


Atefeh Sayadi Shahraki; Saeed Boroomand-Nasab; Abd Ali Naseri; Amir Soltani Mohammadi

The Effect of Different Management of Sub-surface Irrigation on Water Productivity, Yield and Yield Component of Sugarcane (Var. CP69-1062)

Volume 44, Issue 1, June 2021, Pages 1-15


Elham Zanganeh Yusef Abadi; Abd Alrahim Hooshmand; Abd Ali Naseri; Saeed Boroomand-Nasab; Masoud Parvizi

Effect of Nitrogen Levels on Water Productivity of Maize in Furrow Irrigation with Continuous Flow (C) and Cutback Furrow

Volume 43, Issue 2, July 2020, Pages 19-34


Abed Ali Naseri; Rasoul Torkaman Sohrabi; Saeid Boroomand Nasab; Atefeh Sayadi Shahraki

The Comparison of SEBAL Algorithm with SWAP Model and Computational Method to Determine Evapotranspiration

Volume 39, Issue 3, October 2016, Pages 39-49


Mostafa Yaghobzade; Zahra Izapanah; Saeid Broomand nasab; Hesam Seyed kaboli

Effect of Water Salinity in Sprinkler Irrigation on the CWSI Index for Irrigation Scheduling of Summer Maize

Volume 39, Issue 3, October 2016, Pages 63-71


Maryam Ghorbani; Saeid Broomand nasab; Amir Soltani Mohammdi

Optimization and Parameter Estimation of KDW Model for Numerical Simulating of Preferential Water Flow in Soil

Volume 39, Issue 3, October 2016, Pages 73-84


Mostafa Moradzadeh; Hadi Moazed; Saeed Boroomandnasab; Mohammadreza Khaledian

FAO-56 Method for Estimating Evapotranspiration and Crop Coefficients of Eggplant in Greenhouse and Outdoor Conditions

Volume 39, Issue 2, July 2016, Pages 59-77


Mohammad Rafi Rafiee; Hadi Moazed; Ali Asghar Ghaemi; Saeid Broomand nasab

The Effect of Salinity of Irrigation Water and Super Absorbent Polymer on Some Hydraulic and Physical Properties of Sandy Loam Soil

Volume 39, Issue 2, July 2016, Pages 101-113


Marzieh Shokouhi far; Saeid Broomand nasab; Amir Soltani Mohammadi; Abdol rahim Hooshmand

Investigation of Wetting Pattern Dimensions in T-Tape Drip Irrigation on Sloping Lands

Volume 39, Issue 1, May 2016, Pages 181-190


Ehsan Esmaeeli; Amir Soltani Mohammadi; Saeid Broomand nasab

Effect of Deficit Irrigation on Seed Yield and Some Qualitative Characters of Soybean Cultivars in Khorramabad

Volume 38, Issue 3, December 2015, Pages 13-21


Masoumeh Shams Beyranvand1; Saeid Boroumand Nasab; Abas Maleki; Mashallah Daneshvar

Technical Evaluation of Performed Centre Pivot Systems Case Study: Bardsir and Rayen of Kerman

Volume 38, Issue 2, October 2015, Pages 171-180


Amin Sanaee; Zahra Izadpanah; Saeed Borumand Nasab

The Effect of Fertigation on Clogging of Emitters in Drip Irrigation System

Volume 38, Issue 1, June 2015, Pages 1-9


Farideh Ansari samani; Saeid Boroomand Nasab

Evaluation Performance of several types of pressure compensating emitters available in Iranian Market

Volume 33, Issue 1, July 2010, Pages 16-30


Masoomeh Farasati; Majid Behzad; Saeed Boroomand-Nasab

Investigation on the effects of the sprinkle irrigation time on the yield of cotton and its components

Volume 32, Issue 1, July 2010, Pages 43-48


Saeed Boroomand-Nasab; Seyed Mahmmod kashefipour; Parhan Sohrabi Moshk Abadi