Author = Ahmad Fakherifard
Comparing Linear and Nonlinear Time Series Models in River Flow Forecasting (Case Study: Baranduz-chai River)

Volume 37, Issue 1, May 2014, Pages 93-105

Farshad Ahmadi; Yaaghob Dinpazhooh; Ahmad Fakherifard; Keyvan Khalili

River Flow Forecasting using Wavelet Analysis

Volume 35, Issue 2, September 2012, Pages 73-81

M. Rostami; A. Fakheri-Fard; M. A. Ghorbani; S. Darbandi; Y. Dinpajoh

Trend Analysis of Streamflows in East Azarbayjan Province

Volume 35, Issue 1, June 2012, Pages 71-82

M. Ghezel saflo; Y. Dinpashoh; M.A. Ghorbani; A. Fakheri-Fard

Derivation a Geomorphological Unit Hydrograph Based on Cascade Linear Reservoirs (Case study: Liqvan Catchment)

Volume 34, Issue 2, December 2011, Pages 83-94

F. Gholami Sowmée; A. Fakheri Fard; Y. Dinpashoh