Author = mahmood shafai bajestan
Investigation of the Morphological Changes of Dez River, Using Satellite Images and Geographic Information System(case stydy: Ishan sakhi Village to Band-e-ghir)

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 09 December 2019


mahmood shafai bajestan; seyed mahmood kashefipur; ali mohammad akhond ali

The effect of submergence ratio of the gabion submerge vane with different permeability on bed topography in clear water conditions

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 24 August 2024


hayatollah sarlak; mahmood shafai bajestan; Seyed mohsen Sajadi

The Effect of submerged wall constructed by six leg elements on the Bed Topography of the 90-degree mild bend

Volume 47, Issue 2, September 2024, Pages 1-15


Faezeh Velayati; Mahmood Shafai bajestan; Mahmood Khashefipour

Numerical Modeling of Sediment Washing (Flushing) in Dams (Case Study: Sefidrood Dam)

Volume 46, Issue 3, December 2023, Pages 57-68


Mostafa Adineh; Mahmood Shafai Bajestan; Hesam Ghodousi

Experiment Study on Bed Topography around Wedged Bandal-like, Bandal-like and Impermeable Spur dike Structures at 180 Degree Bend in Non-Submerged Conditions

Volume 45, Issue 3, December 2022, Pages 63-77


Abdollah Sardasteh; Seyed Ali Ayyoubzadeh; Mahmood Shafai Bajestan; Jamal Mohammad Vali Samani

Experimental Study of Gully Erosion in Cohesive Soil with Consolidation and Sandy Layer

Volume 44, Issue 3, November 2021, Pages 117-128


Masoomeh Ashourian; Mahmood Shafai-Bejestan; Hesam Fouladfar

Investigating the causes of scouring downstream of stilling basin of Shohada diversion dam and proposing suitable solutions to control it

Volume 43, Issue 1, March 2020, Pages 1-14


Mahdiye Vahidi Alvar; Seyed Amin Asghari Pari; Mahmood Shafai Bajestan; Nasim Arman

The Effect of Installing Immerse Vanes on Scouring Around Bridge Abutments

Volume 42, Issue 2, June 2019, Pages 215-230


Atefe Heydari; Mahmood Shafai Bajestan; Mohammad Bahrami Yarahmadi

Investigation of the Effect of Six Legged Concrete (SLC) Elements Combined with Riprap on Scour Depth at Vertical Wall Bridge Abutments

Volume 42, Issue 1, March 2019, Pages 99-114


Ali Akbar Hosein Reza; Mahmood Shafai bajestan; Mehdi Ghomeshi; Manoochehr Fathi Moghadam

Characteristics of Hydraulic Jump on The Bed with Permeable Six Legs Elements

Volume 40, Issue 2, September 2017, Pages 15-25


Maryam Khajeh Goodari; mahmood shafai bajestan

Investigation of The Area of Around Bridge Abutment by A-Jacks to Protect Against Scour

Volume 40, Issue 1, February 2017, Pages 25-35


Sara Mohammad Pour; mahmood shafai bajestan

The Effect of Relative Spur Height and Length on The Riprap Stability Around The Submerged Spur Dike in a 90° Bend

Volume 38, Issue 1, June 2015, Pages 21-30


Ebtesam Jasemi Zargani1; Seyed Mahmoud Kashefipour; Mahmoud Shafai Bejestan

Physically Based New Formula for Cohesive Bed Erosion Rate

Volume 37, Issue 4, February 2015, Pages 63-76

Hesam Fouladfar; Mahmood Shafaei Bajestan; Manoochehr Fathi Moghadam

Flow Pattern Investigation at Bridge Abutment with and without Installed Submerged Vane

Volume 37, Issue 1, May 2014, Pages 33-42

Kheiralah Khademi; Mahmood Shafaeebajestan; Mehdi Ghomeshi

Effect of Riprap Geometric Parameters on Spur Stability at the 90°Bend

Volume 35, Issue 4, March 2013, Pages 49-58

Javad Zahiri; Seyedmahmood Kashefipoor; Mahmood ShafaeeBajestan; Mehdi Ghomeshi

Experimental Investigation of Effect of Bank Roughness on Flow Patterns in a 90 Degree Sharp Bend

Volume 35, Issue 3, December 2012, Pages 47-57

Yosef Ghadoo; Mahmood Shafai-Bejestan; Manoochehr Fathi-Mogadam; Aziz Soozepoor

Sediment particles incipient motion criteria at closed box conduits

Volume 33, Issue 2, October 2011, Pages 51-61


Hossein khozeymehnezhad; mahmood shafai bajestan

Effect of Shape of Sedient Particles at the Bed of Open Channel on Friction Coefficient

Volume 33, Issue 1, July 2010, Pages 1-13


Mohammad Bahrami Yar Ahmadi; mahmood shafai bajestan