Author = Abedi-Koupai, Jahangir
Investigation of temporal and spatial changes in the occurrence of frost in Isfahan province using the models of the sixth climate change report

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 16 July 2022


Elham Mazaheri; Jahangir Abedi Koupai; Manouchehr Heidarpour; Mohammad Javad Zareian; ُS. Alireza Gohari

Investigation of mechanical properties of concrete lining of water conveyance channels containing bamboo nanoparticles

Volume 47, Issue 1, June 2024, Pages 53-66


Jahangir Abedi Koupai; Alireza Gohari; Saeid Eslamian; Armita Motamedi

Effectiveness of Vetiver system in improving biological characteristics and electrical conductivity of wastewater

Volume 45, Issue 4, February 2023, Pages 87-100


Jahangir Abedi Koupai; Mohammad Hossein Hakimian; Armita Motamedi

Effect of Negative Slope, Bed Roughness and Positive Step on Velocity Profile and Pressure Oscillations of Hydraulic Jump

Volume 43, Issue 1, March 2020, Pages 173-188


Nahid Pourabdollah; Manouchehr Heidarpour; Jahangir Abedi-Koupai; Jahanshir Mohamadzadeh Habili