Author = Mohammad Reza Nori Emam zade
Improving irrigation schedule of potato in order to improve water use efficiency index

Volume 40, Issue 2, September 2017, Pages 199-207


Mostafa Raeesi Asad Abadi; Mohammad Reza Nori Emam zade; Rohollah Fatahi

Effects of Variable Longitudinal Slope on Application Efficiency and Uniformity of Water Distribution in Furrow Irrigation System

Volume 37, Issue 4, February 2015, Pages 1-9

Mohammadreza NouriEmamzadehee; Vahid Bakhshi; SeyedHassan Tabatabaee

Effects of Water Stress on Quantitative and Qualitative Properties of Potato Crop (Agria c.v.) in Deficit Irrigation and Partial Root Zone Drying Techniques

Volume 37, Issue 3, November 2014, Pages 123-135

Soudabeh GolestaniKermani; Mohammadreza Nouri Imamzadehei; Mohammad Shayannezhad; Ali Shahnazari; Abdolrahman Mohammadkhani

Evaluating of Furrow Irrigation Systems in Shakrekord, Borojen and Khanmirza plains

Volume 37, Issue 2, August 2014, Pages 95-104

Hamed Riahifarsani; Mohammadreza Nouriimamzadehei; Rohallah FatahiNafchi; SeyedHassan Tabatabaee