Keywords = Turbulence Model
Modeling Longitudinal and Transverse Velocity Profiles Upstream of an Orifice Using the FLOW-3D Model

Volume 44, Issue 2, September 2021, Pages 1-9


Soraya Naderi; Mehdi Daryaee; Seyed Mahmoud Kashefipour; MohamadReza Zayeri

3DNumerical Simulation of Hydrodynamic Parameters around the Bridge Piers Using Various Turbulence Models

Volume 37, Issue 4, February 2015, Pages 39-54

Nazila Kardan; Habib Hakim zadeh; Yousef Hassan zadeh

Experimental and Numerical Study of Shock Waves in Contractions

Volume 37, Issue 2, August 2014, Pages 125-134

Mohammadreza Nikpoor; Davood Farsadizadeh; Ali Hosseinzadeh dalir; Javad Behmanesh; Farinaz Shoja