Main Subjects = Agricultural Engineering - Water Sciences Eng
The Process of Plunge Pool Bed Form Changes by a Vertical Jet Impinging Upon Non-Cohesive Sediment

Volume 40, Issue 3, December 2017, Pages 77-85


Akbar Armaghani; Babak Lashkarara; Ali Mohammad Akhond Ali

Effects of Nose and Piano Keys Weir Parapet Wall on Floating Woody Debris

Volume 40, Issue 3, December 2017, Pages 99-107


Majid Rahimpour; Majid Rahimpour

A Novel Method for Numerical Simulation of Gradually Varied Flow Profile Based on Adaptive Newton Raphson method

Volume 40, Issue 1, February 2017, Pages 167-176


Farhoud Kalateh; Mohammad Jahandar Malekabadi; Yousef Hassanzadeh