Document Type : Research Paper
Irrigation Engineering Department, Aburaihan Campus, University of Tehran
Irrigation Engineering Department Aburihan Faculty of Agricultural Technology, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
With the increase in the world population, access to sufficient food, water, and energy resources has become the most important global challenge and concern in the last few decades. Sufficient food supply has caused significant pressure on water and energy resources. As the largest source of food production, agriculture is the most important consumer of water and energy, so a balance must be created between consumption and production. In this research, water consumption, Energy consumption indicator, Water mass productivity, Energy mass productivity, Water economic productivity, and Energy economic productivity indicators, finally the water, energy, food (WEF) index, were used to determine the suggested cultivation pattern of five important crops of Varamin irrigation network in the crop year (2020-2021).The results of the data analysis showed that the calculated WEF for wheat, barley, alfalfa, silage corn, and canola were 0.28, 0.32, 0.11, 0.87, and 0.33 respectively. Silage corn had the highest and alfalfa the lowest amount of this index. According to the general index of WEF, a cultivation model was proposed for the crops of the Varamin irrigation network. According to the proposed cultivation pattern, the cultivated area of alfalfa, wheat, and barley crops decreased and the cultivated area of canola and silage corn increased.
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