Instructions for authors
Journal of Irrigation Sciences and Engineering (JISE) is an open access, double blind peer-reviewed journal and publishes original scientific-research papers and high quality review papers on all aspects of water sciences.
All contributions are refereed without exception. The authors will be informed if their papers are not accepted or if they need to be revised. The editors reserve the right to edit contributions wherever necessary and to refuse papers that are deemed not in line with current research. Linguistic corrections not affecting the meaning will be made by the editors.
The Journal of Irrigation Sciences and Engineering (JISE) welcomes articles for publication subject to the following conditions:
Articles will be accepted in Persian with their extended abstracts in English.
Paper submission to this journal is via "electronic submission", containing word and pdf files.
- The article should be typed, in “word” software.
- The texts (including those for tables, graphs, and headings) should be typed with double spaces. Enough margin should be left on either side of the page and all charts and tables should be numbered.
- The title of the article should be concise but expressive.
- The charts, graphs, and tables must be of good quality in Persian language so that they can directly be used for print. Every figure should have a numbered caption and every table should have a numbered heading (or title) in Persian language. These must be sufficiently informative.
- The list of references should be in English language and in alphabetical order. Each reference must include name of the author, journal volume, year of publication and page number as the forms of below:
One author
- Elsafi, S.H., 2014. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) for flood forecasting at Dongola Station in the River Nile, Sudan. Alexandria Engineering Journal, 53(3), pp.655-662.
Two authors
- Kashefipour, S.M. and Falconer, R.A., 2002. Longitudinal dispersion coefficients in natural channels. Water Research, 36(6), pp.1596-1608.
More than two authors
- Kashefipour, S.M., Lin, B. and Falconer, R.A., 2006. Modelling the fate of faecal indicators in a coastal basin. Water Research, 40(7), pp.1413-1425.
- Kashefipour, S.M., Lin, B., Harris, E. and Falconer, R.A., 2002. Hydro-environmental modelling for bathing water compliance of an estuarine basin. Water Research, 36(7), pp.1854-1868.
- Chanson, H., 2004. Hydraulics of open channel flow. Butterworth-Heinemann.
- Jafari, A., Ghomeshi, M., Bina, M. and Kashefipour, S.M., 2010. Physical modelling study of free and submerged flow on the obstructions in rivers with ten modes of transverse waves. In 8th International River Engineering Conference, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran.
- Stockstill, R.L., 1998. Innovative lock design, report 1, case study, New McAlpine Lock Filling and Emptying System, Ohio River, Kentucky. Technical Rep. INP-CHL, 1.
Chapter in a book
- Kashefipour, S.M. and Roshanfekr, A., 2012. Numerical modelling of heavy metals transport processes in riverine basins. In Numerical modelling. InTech.
Thesis (is not in English)
- Daryaee, M., 2014. Experimental investigation on the effect of roughness and obstacle on the control of density current, Thesis, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Iran. 141p. (In Persian).
Paper (is not in english)
- Davoudi, L., Fathi Moghadam, M., Ahadiyan, J. and Kashefipour, S.M., 2016. The effect of costal forest on variations of broken wave force and inundation depth. Irrigation Sciences and Engineering, 40(1), pp.185-199. (In Persian).
- The extended abstract must contain the following sections:
v Keywords
v methodology
v findings
v conclusion
v references(is not mandatory)
- Section can be named differently and subsections can be included.
- The extended abstract template is as follows:

Conflict of Interest Form Authorship Form
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