Studying of Groundwater Conditions in Jiroft Basin with Modflow

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Former Graduat Student Dept of Irrigution & Drainage Engrg shahid-chamran University Ahwaz, Iran

2 Professor Waters Sciences Engineering Faculty, Shahid Chamran University of Ahwaz


In this investigation groundwater modeling is attempted monitoring water table fluctuations of Jiroft basin using PMWIN computer model. Parameters like hydraulic conductivity, specific yield and groundwater abstraction and recharge were estimated by matching of the data from 41 observation wells for the period 1381-1386 to those predicted by the model using automatic calibration procedure with PEST. Verification of the model for a 6 month period in 1387 showed that the predicted water levels had a good match with the observed water levels with a root mean square error of 0.865. The verified model was used for the prediction of groundwater table behavior for the next 4 years.
