fbhdhFlow Characteristics (clear water)Upstream Intake Bottome System With Porous Media on Flow Diversion

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Msc. Student of Water Structures Engineering, Dept., of Water Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad,

2 Associated . Prof., Dept., of Water Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


     One of the ways of water supply is used from river resource. Flow diversion from river has been foretime from the methods of water supply for different consumptions, yet, common methods has always created many problems in this case. A new idea offering decrease a lot of problems of river flow diversion. Applying bottom racks in bottom intakes to divert water from the mountain river with steep slopes and coarse sediments has been one of the most common methods in water diversion. Problems due to Exploitation on diversion channel propose new idea of bottom intake with porous medium. In order to experiments on a physical model done to investigate the hydraulic conditions of flow in bottom intake with porous medium upstream and influence procedure of that on the diversion rate and to study the different situations affect of inflow conditions of discharge and intake geometric on the profiles of water surface and velocity. Experimental results show that the diverted discharge of porous medium depend on surface slope of intake, grain size distribution of porous media, and inflow discharge to porous medium intake. As the surface slope increase, the diverted discharge decrease. when increasing the inflow discharge, the rate of diverted discharge increases gradually and then reaches to a constant value. Grain size distribution has also significant effect on diverted discharge and coarser grains divert greater discharges.
