Experimental Study on The Local Scouring of Series of Bandal-Like spurs in Clear Water Condition

Document Type : Research Paper



     Using of spur dikes is one of the usual methods in river engineering for river bank protection against erosion and destruction due to water flow. In this research the influence of Bandal-Like spur on the erosion pattern in non-submerged conditions was investigated. Experiments were performed in clear water condition, considering 3 spaces between Bandal-Like spurs, 3 placement angels of Bandal-Like spurs and 4 discharges in 45%permeability of Bandal-Like spurs. The results indicated that maximum depth of scouring was occurred around first Bandal-Like spur. Also in a constant Fr, the maximum depth of scouring decreased with increasing space between Bandal-Like spurs. Finally the impact of  placement angel of  Bandal-Like spurs  on the maximum depth of scouring with degrees of 60, 90 and 120 degree was investigated. The results showed that the maximum depth of scouring in degrees of  90 and 60 degree are maximum and minimum, respectively.
