The Effects of Different Mulches on Temporal Changes on The Some Soil Physical Properties

Document Type : Research Paper



     Application of mulches not only affects the physical and chemical properties of soil, but improves infiltration maintenance. In this study, evaluated during four month, the effects of wheat straw, maize straw, sawdust, leaves and superab A200 on the soil physical properties including soil bulk density, capacity water in the soil and cumulative infiltration. The effects of mulch compared in both cases tillage  and no tillage, under modle complete block randomized design experiment with split plot in time. Results showed  Mulch reduces bulk density but over time, bulk density in all mulchs except of superab A200, were increasing. Use mulch experiments increased water-holding capacity of the soil. In case tillage treatments, wheat straw and in case no tillage treatments superab A200 increasing water-holding capacity. After time increase cumulative infiltration  in the wheat straw, maize straw and superab A200 significantly, compared to sawdust and leave mulches.
