Estimating the Yield In Water Resource Systems Using Linear Programming

Document Type : Research Paper



Based on water deficits and the severe limitation of water in the country, one of the basic steps for the management, planning and water supply in available and developed projects of catchments, is estimation the maximum yield values. As flow regime in catchments is usually regular and affected by the series and parallel dams, use of appropriate and applicable methods are necessary. In this research, a yield model based on linear programming, for three reservoirs- Zohre catchment in south-west of Iran, has developed. The base of this model is including reservoir storage continuity equations, stream flow expressions in each reservoir, water allocation equations, and storage capacity limitation. The objective function is the maximization of total monthly yield for a long-term period of inflow that can be released from reservoir dams to supply demands in water resource systems. After implementing of the yield model, the modified shortage index in the water resource system has improved in comparison to Standard Operating Policy (SOP) and it has been effective in adjusting severe deficit.The results showed that the reliability for satisfying demands in developed future condition of zohre water resource system is about 83% and the yield is about 65% of demands.                  


Volume 40, Issue 1
February 2017
Pages 73-82
  • Receive Date: 15 December 2014
  • Revise Date: 05 March 2017
  • Accept Date: 23 December 2015
  • Publish Date: 19 February 2017