Investigate the situation of desertification in south east Ahvaz region using IMDPA model with emphasis on the criteria climate and vegetation

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Graduate of Civil Engineering - Environment, Faculty of Water and Environment, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Iran .

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Water and Environment, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Iran.

3 Professor, Retired from the Faculty of Water and Environment, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Iran.


Recently, desert and desertification issues are known as one of the most problem in most countries especially developing countries. With an attention to the natural resources of Iran we can concluded that the most of Iranian lands are classified as deserts. Desert scientists believe that in addition to natural factors, human factors has a significant and important role in desertification. As natural factors are the most of the desertification criteria, models of desertification potential assessment are provided locally. In this time, using of desertification models is the best method for assessment of effective factors on land degradation and desertification severity from experts viewing. Despite of models abundance, one model is the best that has adapted considering to environmental and human conditions. To assess desertification, various research done in outside and inside of Iran. Zehtabian et al (2008) was evaluated soil and water criteria base on Medalus methodology in Ain-e- Khosh’s Dehloran and presented desertification map at the end of research. Desertification intensity class is critical for the entire region based on desertification map. Shakerian et al., (2012)  Evaluated desertification intensity in Jarghooyeh region, based on IMDPA model.their results showed that, this area classified in low class of desertification. According to the new definition of Desert, more parts of Iran encounter desertification problem. In order to challenging with desertification, it is necessary to do some scientific research and assessment in different parts of the country. The results may help to control and reduce the damages resulted from this phenomenon. The aim of this research would be the effects of climate indicator on desertification with method Iranian Model (IMDPA) in central part of Iran.


Main Subjects

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  • Razavi, S., 2008. Determining and evaluating the intensity of desertification using IMDPA model with emphasis on water, soil, vegetation and climate criteria (Case study: Arak Miqan Desert), Master Thesis, University of Natural Resources, University of Tehran.


  • Mohamed, E.S., 2013. Spatial assessment of desertification in north Sinai using modified MEDLAUS model. Arabian Journal of Geosciences6(12), pp.4647-4659.


  • Salvati, L. and Bajocco, S., 2011. Land sensitivity to desertification across Italy: past, present, and future. Applied Geography31(1), pp.223-231.


  • Shakerian, N., Zehtabian, G., Azarnivand, H. and Khosrav, H., 2015. The Influence of the Plant Coverage on the Desertification Status of Jarghooye Region of Isfahan Using IMDPA Model. Advances in Architecture, City and Environment1(2), pp.1-6.


  • Shokoohi, E., Zehtabian, G., Tavili, A. (2012). 'Study of desertification status using IMDPA model with emphasis on water and soil criteria (Case study: Khezr Abad - Elah Abad of Yazd - plain)', Journal of Range and Watershed Managment, 65(4), pp. 517-528


  • Zehtabian, Gholam reza., Razavi., Massoudi and Khosravi ., 2012. Assessment of the actual situation of desertification, with emphasis on two criteria of vegetation and soil (Case study: Meighan desert), the first national desert conference.


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