Investigating the effect of various additives on the improvement of physical dispersive and load bearing capacity of non-stiky soil

Document Type : Research Paper


1 master of marine engineering

2 shahid chamran univercity of ahwaz


In the last two decades, the issue of soil dispersive has been studied in the course of initial studies as well as the implementation of a significant number of development projects, especially projects near the coast, rivers, dams and water channels. Dispersive soils are soils that are dispersed in contact with running water and quickly rinsed. The risk of this phenomenon for projects that are usually exposed to water is important enough to be investigated and dealt with at an early stage in studies. In this research, coastal sandy soil with physical potential dispersive and internal erosion alone as well as in combination with three Nano clay, cement and clay clay soils were investigated. Soil identification experiments included soil aggregation, Atterberg limits, soil density and density determination, and divergence assessment experiments including cramp, double hygrometry and pinhole. Finally, the water absorption and bearing capacity of this soil were also tested. The results show the positive effects of all three substances for the correction of divergence. So that in the design of mixing 2% of Nano clay and 5% of cement in order to reduce the dispersive potential has been done. Also, the amount of bearing capacity in the design of mixing two percent Nano clay increases from 19.7 to 33.8 and in the mixing design of two percent Nano clay and five percent cement to 63.7. The amount of water absorption in the Nano-clay mixing plan and the adhesive clay is increased and decreases in cement mixing design.


Main Subjects

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 16 October 2021
  • Receive Date: 26 February 2019
  • Revise Date: 11 October 2021
  • Accept Date: 16 October 2021
  • Publish Date: 16 October 2021