Evaluating the Performance of salt Leaching in Frozen Saline Soils

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Guilan; P.O.BOX 41635-3756, Rasht, Iran.

2 Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Guilan; P.O.BOX 41635-3756, Rasht, Iran, and Department of Water Engineering and Environment, Caspian Sea Basin Research Center.


The movement of water and solutes have received the attention of many scientific researchers over the past few years. Saline soils contain a high content of salt that is deposited in micropores. Therefore, it is necessary to leaching these soils during a time period when winter ice melting occurs due to the splitting of micropores affected by expansion and contraction resulting from the freezing and melting of water in the soil. The present research studies some different salt leaching methods on soil samples collected from Nazarabad region, Iran in 2016. Two types of saline and conventional water of the region and three different volumes of water in both continuous and alternate modes were used under frozen and non-frozen conditions. The results showed that frozen treatments that were irrigated continuously with conventional water of the region had the best performance as compared to other studied treatments, being feasible during winter in the studied region.


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Volume 45, Issue 2
June 2022
Pages 99-108
  • Receive Date: 24 May 2021
  • Revise Date: 05 November 2021
  • Accept Date: 08 November 2021
  • Publish Date: 22 June 2022