Biological treatment of industrial wastewater (Metal Industries) using anaerobic-aerobic combination method

Document Type : Research Paper


1 1- PhD student in Water Science and Engineering, Department of Water Engineering, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources.

2 Master of Water Science and Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology.

3 Professor, Dapartment of water Science and Engineering, College of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Tecnology.

4 Master of water Science and Engineering, College of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Tecnology.


Due to the limited water resources and the need for optimal use of them, the importance of using treated wastewater in cases where lower water quality is required is determined.( Munoz and Guieysse, 2006) On the other hand, untreated wastewater can lead to many environmental issues.( Kalyuzhngi et al,2005)  The use of low-tech wastewater treatment systems and no energy consumption or low energy consumption help to reduce economic costs and improve the environment. Since biological processes are one of the most common and affordable methods in wastewater treatment and the main purpose of biological treatment is to use microorganisms to convert organic matter into other products, remove or reduce nutrients and other contaminants, so the purpose of this study is to reduce TSS, total nitrogen and nitrate using the combined process of AO in the treatment of industrial wastewater from metal industries.( Zhou and Lisng, 2008; Adam et al 2006).


Main Subjects

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Volume 47, Issue 3
October 2024
Pages 123-135
  • Receive Date: 02 September 2020
  • Revise Date: 12 November 2021
  • Accept Date: 15 November 2021
  • Publish Date: 22 October 2024