Numerical Study of the Effect of Gradual Parabolic Inlet Transition of the Elliptical LOPAC Gate on the Hydraulic Conditions of the Flow

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty member of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz

2 Master of Water Structures, Faculty of Water and Environmental Engineering, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz

3 Department of Water Structures, Faculty of Water Science Engineering, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz,، Ahvaz, Iran


Flow control and regulation of water level in irrigation canals are very important to improve the performance of the distribution network and water transfer and ease of operation of the intakes. Therefore, the network needs to improve the existing control and regulation structures as well as to construct the new structures (Monem and Hosseinzadeh - 2012). Today, in water transmission networks, a variety of spillways and gates have been used as control and regulation structures. Elliptical LOPAC gates are a special type of gates that have been considered by researchers in recent decades due to their convenient advantages (Pilbala et al 2021). Studies have been limited so far, so in this study, the hydraulic performance of this type of gate with the presence of gradual inlet transition has been investigated both experimentally and numerically. Research on Lopac gates indicates that studies have been performed on the hydraulics, which have been mainly in the form of sudden contraction or full-width gates in the laboratory flume. However, in many cases the width of the gate needs to be less than the width of the channel and an inlet transition is necessary to reduce the energy loss. Therefore, parabolic transition are used in this study, and in particular, the effect of parabolic transition upstream of the elliptical Lopac gate on the hydraulic conditions was investigated using Flow-3D software.


Main Subjects

  • Receive Date: 30 September 2021
  • Revise Date: 22 April 2022
  • Accept Date: 08 May 2022
  • Publish Date: 08 May 2022