Development of system dynamics model for sustainable management of water resources by python approach in Tajan watershed level

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Sanru

2 Postdoc researcher of sari agricultural


The study of supply and shortage related to rice also has a similar trend with other products in this sector, out of the total 17 million cubic meters of water demand, 7 million cubic meters have been supplied and 42% of it has not been supplied. Of course, checking the numbers of supply and shortage in different months of this product shows that the shortage is mainly in the hot months of the year when the base flow and release of the reservoir in this region is reduced and it is between the months of May to September and according to Due to the priority of less supply compared to the other two products on the one hand and the relatively lower demand of this product with black root and citrus fruits, its supply has had such a trend. In the case of wheat, grain corn, and oilseeds, there is a more or less different trend, so that the availability of oilseeds was almost 50%. The results of the balance of resources and water consumption in the Tajan catchment basin in the existing conditions by the VENSIM model during the years 2013-2017 showed that the agricultural demand in Finesk, Shahid Rajaee, Zarem and the Tajan diversion dam was 18, 146, 93 and It is 478 million cubic meters, respectively, 6 million cubic meters (33%), 93 million cubic meters (63%), 100 million cubic meters (59%) and 380 million cubic meters (80%) have been supplied, which is only in the Band area.


Main Subjects

  • Receive Date: 06 February 2023
  • Revise Date: 08 October 2023
  • Accept Date: 10 October 2023
  • Publish Date: 10 October 2023