Investigating the effect of compost and biochar on Maize under the condition of water stress and drip irrigation in Khoramabad region.

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Water Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Plant Production and Genetic Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Lorestan University, Khorramabad.Iran.

3 Department of Plant Production and Genetic Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Lorestan University, Khorramabad.Iran


Water shortage is one of the most important threats to the survival and development of agriculture in the country, so it is necessary to use different methods of farm water management to improve the water productivity and water efficiency. In order to investigate the effect of vermicompost and biochar on the yield and water productivity of corn, a factorial research was conducted in Khorramabad city with a completely random basic design in three replications, the first factor was irrigation water treatment at 4 levels including irrigation based on supplying 100% of Water requirements (I1), providing 80% of Water requirements (I2), providing 60% of Water requirements (I3), providing 40% of Water requirements (I4) and the second factor including organic fertilizer, vermicompost (C), biochar (B) and control treatment (I). The results of the research showed that maximum wet yield, dry yield and plant height were observed in the I1-C treatment, which were 126.71 tons per hectare, 46.27 tons per hectare and 2.35 meters, respectively, and the maximum amount of wet productivity and dry productivity was obtained in I2-C treatment was 16.79 kg/m3 and 5.9 kg/m3, respectively. Although the use of vermicompost had better results than biochar, the use of biochar also increased the yield compared to the control treatment, so that in the treatment without water stress and using biochar, the dry yield was 27.06%, the wet yield was 29.78%, and the biological productivity 36.41% and more productive 46.01% increase in control treatment ratio was observed. Therefore, the use of these two organic fertilizers was significantly effective in increasing the yield and water productivity of corn.


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Volume 47, Issue 3
October 2024
Pages 69-85
  • Receive Date: 31 May 2023
  • Revise Date: 03 December 2023
  • Accept Date: 06 January 2024
  • Publish Date: 22 October 2024