Author = Babak Lashkarara
Influence of aspect ration in a Rectangular Shallow Reservoir on distribution of Sedimentation concentration

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 11 January 2025


mohammad afrashteh; Babak Lashkar-Ara

Evaluation of Critical Sink Surface in Vertical Intake Branched out from Reservoir

Volume 43, Issue 1, March 2020, Pages 73-88


Behzad Azimi; Babak Lashkarara; Leyla Najafi; Mohammad Zaker Moshfegh

Investigating the Flow Pattern in Baffle Fishway Denil Type

Volume 42, Issue 3, October 2019, Pages 179-196


Zahra Mahmoudian; Saman Baharvand; Babak Lashkarara

Canal Seepage Control by Soil Combined With Sodium Carbonate and Molasses

Volume 41, Issue 4, January 2019, Pages 189-200


Saber Karimi-Naghoni; Babak Lashkarara; Leila Najafi

Critical Submergence Estimation For Horizontal Intakes Derived From Reservoir Using Intelligent and Statistical Methods

Volume 41, Issue 3, November 2018, Pages 171-184


Yaser Sheikhi; Babak Lashkar-Ara; Manoochehr Fathi-moghadam; Mahsa Valipour

Assessment of the Cohesive Sediments Fall Velocity in Karkheh Dam Reservoir

Volume 41, Issue 2, June 2018, Pages 211-224


Mahnaz Shadorvan; Babak Lashkar-Ara; Hesam Seyed kaboli

Investigating the Scouring Rate in Plunge Pools Resulting from Impinging Jets With and Without Aeration

Volume 41, Issue 1, May 2018, Pages 85-97


Akbar Armaghani; Babak Lashkarara; ALi Mohammad Akhond - Ali

An Estimation of the particle-size Distribution in gravel bed river Using Image Processing

Volume 40, Issue 4, February 2018, Pages 125-139


Milad Payesteh; Babak Lashkar-Ara; Manoochehr Fathi Moghadam

The Process of Plunge Pool Bed Form Changes by a Vertical Jet Impinging Upon Non-Cohesive Sediment

Volume 40, Issue 3, December 2017, Pages 77-85


Akbar Armaghani; Babak Lashkarara; Ali Mohammad Akhond Ali

Calibration of Shiono and Knight Model to Estimate Shear Stress for Trapezoidal Channel

Volume 38, Issue 4, February 2016, Pages 189-201


Babak Lashkar Ara; Iran Dokht Dehghani

Wall and bed shear stress in smooth rectangular channels

Volume 33, Issue 2, October 2011, Pages 43-52


Babak Lashkarara; Manoochehr Fathi Moghadam; Hossain Mohammad Vali Samani

Shear stress in smooth trapezoidal channel

Volume 33, Issue 1, July 2010, Pages 77-91


Arash Jael; Manoochehr Fathi Moghadam; Mahmood Bina; Mehdi Ghomeshi; Babak Lashkarara