Watershed Management , A Suitable Method for Groundwater Resources Development of Arid and Semi-Arid Regions of Iran (Case Study: Lavar earthen dam)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MSc of Watershed Management, Islamic Azad University Branch Sirjan,Iran

2 Research Lecturer of Soil Conservation and Watershed Management Research Department, Hormozgan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO) , Hormozgan, Iran.

3 Graduate of Geography, University of Zabol , Iran.


The study area (Lavar plain) is part of the Kol River catchment and is located about 60km in North of Bandar-Abbas, in Hormozgan province, south of Iran. The study area lies between longitude of 56º 51´6´´– 56º 1´ and Latitude of 27º 32´22´´ - 27º 36´. The area’s elevation ranges from 240 m to 2900 m from sea level (Fig.1). The climatic condition of this study area is influenced by medium elevation (240 m) above the sea level. As it is  normally hot, temperatures are not below zero. Additionally, the study area is affected by the air mass systems mentioned above, whereas the first and third portions are more influential on precipitation. The main rainfall is related to cyclones that pass from western to eastern direction. The majority of cyclonic activity originates from the Persian Gulf, normally from January to March.
Laver Dam is located in the eastern part of the plain. The dam is constructed on the river that is collecting runoff from the two sub-basins of the Sarzeh - Rezvan and Gnou in the reservoir of the dam. The groundwater aquifer is an unconfined aquifer with an area of 23.5 square kilometers and surrounded by sandstone formations and conglomerate. The study area is located in the Zagroos folded zone. In the study area, the oldest formations are of Paleozoic age. Another characteristic of the Zagroos zone are diapers. Diapers rise up from the deepest part of sedimentary rocks, and after cutting through the upper layers, they may appear at the surface, which seriously affect groundwater quality and land use.


Main Subjects

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Volume 41, Issue 2
June 2018
Pages 119-133
  • Receive Date: 10 September 2016
  • Revise Date: 25 January 2017
  • Accept Date: 04 February 2017
  • Publish Date: 22 June 2018