Increasing The Economic Efficiency Of Water Consumption By Calculating The Total Cost And Optimizing The Pattern Of Cultivation and Water Distribution, Case Study: Qazvin Plain Irrigation Network

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Science and Water Engineering, Imam Khomeini International University (IKIU)

2 PhD student, Department of Water Engineering, Imam Khomeini International University


A large burden of job creation in Qazvin plain has been placed on the agricultural sector and many people are working in this sector. Water resources management should be such that in addition to providing the needs of stakeholders in the long term, it should also preserve groundwater resources. But the question is whether farmers in all regions have the ability to pay such a price. Shouldn't the cropping pattern of different regions interfere with pricing? Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the real price of water by calculating its cost and assessing farmers' income in the current situation of water cultivation and distribution pattern in the case of water supply at real prices and then investigating the effect of two optimization models including A- optimization of cropping pattern and B- simultaneous optimization of cropping pattern and water distribution on farmers' income in case of water supply at a real price in Qazvin plain irrigation network. Finding answers to questions is an effective step in achieving the economic efficiency of water consumption within the framework of integrated water resources management.


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