Author = Adedali Naseri
Investigating the Impact of Different Biochar Levels Derived from Mushroom Bed Residues on Some Chemical Properties of Drainage in Lettuce Cultivation

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 18 December 2023


Mohammad Valipour; Saeed Boroomand Nasab; abdali naseri; laleh Divband Hafshejani; naser alemzadeh ansari

Evaluation of Interpolation Techniques for Estimating Groundwater Level and Groundwater Salinity in the Salman Farsi Sugarcane Plantation

Volume 44, Issue 2, September 2021, Pages 67-78


Atefeh Sayadi Shahraki; Saeed Boroomand-Nasab; Abd Ali Naseri; Amir Soltani Mohammadi

Effect of Nitrogen Levels on Water Productivity of Maize in Furrow Irrigation with Continuous Flow (C) and Cutback Furrow

Volume 43, Issue 2, July 2020, Pages 19-34


Abed Ali Naseri; Rasoul Torkaman Sohrabi; Saeid Boroomand Nasab; Atefeh Sayadi Shahraki

Investigation the Effect of Magnetic Water on the Soil Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity

Volume 36, Issue 4, March 2014, Pages 19-28

SeyedFatemeh Ashrafi; Abedali Naseri; Majid Behzad

Assistant Professor, Department of Soil Science, Agriculture Faculty, Ramin University, Khuzestan, Iran.

Volume 36, Issue 3, December 2013, Pages 109-118

Adnan Sadeghilari; Hadi Moazed; Abedali Naseri; Abdolmajid Liaghat; Sirous Jaafari

Removal of Cd(II) and Ni(II) from Contaminated Waters Using Nano Particles Bagasse Fly Ash

Volume 36, Issue 2, August 2013, Pages 97-107

Zeinab Gholami; Abdolrahim Hooshmand; Abedali Naseri; Nahid Poorreza

Laboratory Evaluation of Artificial Envelopes of Subsurface Drainge Producted in Iran and Comparing With Other Similar Foreign

Volume 36, Issue 1, June 2013, Pages 69-79

Javad Ramezanimoghadam; Abdolrahim Hooshmand; Abedali Naseri; Aliheydae Nasroallahi

Performance Forecasting of Sugarcane Fields using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS)

Volume 35, Issue 4, March 2013, Pages 1-9

Maryam Ahmadvand; Abdolrahim Hoshmand; Adedali Naseri

Water used Optimized Management in Southern Ahwaz Sugarcane Fields.

Volume 35, Issue 4, March 2013, Pages 21-31

Ali Sheynidashtgol; Abedali Naseri; Saeed Boroomandasab; Heydarali Kashkouli